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Exploring Self Motivation

Self Motivation and Values | What is Motivation | Aura & Meta

What is self motivation? It derives from a mix of our values, our goals and our deep drivers. When do we need it? When transitioning from introspection into taking action. In this anxiety-laden context, it is helpful to recount how far we have come: we have begun to shift our mindset, challenged our limiting beliefs and incorporated mindfulness into our routine. We have also learned to look deeper within to uncover the fears holding us back. We are on track! Now find out how with an inquisitive approach we may examine our daily drivers (mental, physical and spiritual) and discover what truly motivates us to take action. 

What drives our self motivation?

Last week, we looked at how diving deeper and addressing the subconscious mind could help us reconnect with our deepest desires. Looking deep within, we have rediscovered which values we hold onto the most and how they may be underpinning our choices. This way we may come to better understand how our values may further anchor our actions. In fact, our self motivation is deeply linked to our values and we may use the latter as a compass to remain true to the bigger picture we are envisioning for ourselves. Setting daily reminders based on our drivers may helps up stay on track, even when our self motivation is waning.

What is motivation without positive thoughts?

Once we see the transformational journey we are embarking on and the necessary changes it implies, we can begin to nurture our motivation by making sure our drivers are present in our everyday life. In moments where we lose self motivation, we can actively remind ourselves of the things that ignite our passion and energy through positive self-talk.

Did you know that you can turn your brain into your coach? Too often, we forget that our thoughts have the ability to lower our self motivation as much as give us a much-needed boost. The difference lies in the internal dialogue we cultivate. Neuroscientific research has shown that our adult brains are malleable and not as fixed as we have been led to believe. We now know that we have the ability to keep learning new things throughout our life, and even alter our behaviour through establishing new neuropathway connections. In short, we have the power to shape our minds so that the network of neurons in our brains can fire and function for our highest benefit. In order to create new neuropathway connections, we begin by identifying negative thought patterns. Then, we may strive to replace them with positive affirmations and visualisations that pull us forward with a proactive attitude towards life’s setbacks.

Replacing fear with motivation

When we find it hard to carry on, it may be because we have set too distant a goal. This leaves time for our minds to overthink, over-rationalise and for fear to settle into the spaces in between our moments of great inspiration. In this instance, we can choose to adopt a proactive attitude and pave the way to our desired outcome with shorter term, easily achievable tasks, thus reducing the time between setting ourselves in motion and the reward.

What is motivation? Sometimes it is about asking yourself the right questions to take on challenges with enthusiasm and curiosity. Focus on what may set you back into action: what are you going to do now? How are you going to reach your goals? 

To transition to action towards achieving our goals, we may need to address our fears. Oftentimes they may be the reason behind self sabotaging or bad habits that stand in the way of us striving forward. Also, by giving our fears the control over our decisions and daily experiences we may be attracting even more of what we don’t want. 

Questioning what is motivation in our daily lives puts our self-talk here from a new perspective, a way for us to see obstacles in a different light. 

Try replacing any “but” with “and”. Compare these two sentences:

“I want to be a good public speaker but I am scared that I won’t be able to control my stage fright”

“I want to be a good public speaker and I am scared that I won’t be able to control my stage fright.” 

Both acknowledge a stressor rooted in fear. The first sentence makes it sound like achieving the goals is very difficult and impossible while the second statement simply juxtaposes the two thoughts. By this simple word replacement, we can assemble fears and desires, integrating all feelings into the same experience so as to better overcome the blockages. If you struggle with deeper fears blocking your motivation that you cannot overcome by yourself, kinesiology can help connect to the subconscious mind and resolve unaddressed trauma.

By reconnecting with your values and promoting positive self-talk, we can make sure we remain in tune with our drivers and maintain motivation. Next time you feel that motivation slump, put things into perspective of the big picture you are working towards, by asking yourself: “what makes me feel alive today?” The deeper the answers to this question, the stronger and more effective the drivers you will uncover. Once we comprehend how our values and motivations influence the decisions we make, our path through life’s twists and turns never strays very far from what makes our heart beat faster.


Looking to invest in yourself this year? Aura & Meta has put together a unique 8-week programme launching this February: Reset, Realign, Restart: STOP existing. START LIVING If you are struggling to take action, this programme helps you uncover your motivations and harness them towards your greater goals everyday.

Book here https://aurameta.com/mind-set-change-rest-realign-restart/

For any questions regarding Aura & Meta’s practice book a  free chemistry call and lets get chatting!


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